“The limbs of the eight-fold path are as follows: yama (respect for others) and niyama(yourself); asana (harmony with your body ), pranayama (your energy), dharana (your thoughts), pratyahara (and your emotions); dhyana (contemplation); samadhi (ecstasy)”
-The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Harness the power of Yoga and gain the 3 – fold Advantage of Fitness + Freedom from Stress + Happiness
Members will learn,
Easy postures with slow rhythmic breathing. Asanas to release deep-seated stress through a progressive journey within. Deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep) through extensively researched sessions.
Program Benefits
- Prevention and self-management of stress related ailments
- Emergence of effective team spirit
- Balancing family, profession and business
- Better domestic life through peaceful living with other members of the family.
Yoga does more than just improve flexibility. Research across the world has found that yoga has an effect on hormonal changes. By emphasizing correct breathing, yoga improves the oxygen supply to the whole body, thus reducing menstrual stress.
- Classes help women to overcome the periodical hormonal changes.
- Most classes include pranayama (breathing techniques) as well as asanas to reduce stress and tension. They help in the cure of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders during their menstrual cycle. They calm the frenzy, clear mental clutter and allow women to get back in touch with their inner self.
- Women undergoing yogic stress-cure techniques show dramatic changes in attitudes, beliefs, habits, and behaviors.
- Yoga helps to boost self esteem in women, imbibing a sense of purpose in their life.
The result: When you roll up your mat and walk out of the door, you can more skillfully take on whatever life brings.
Ladies! Get ready, learn yoga to meet life’s challenges, not just recover from them.
This obsession has an adverse impact like lack of sleep, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, sensory damages & makes you socially isolated.
Internet addicts undergo a lot of behavioral changes. These are the withdrawal symptoms – stress, loneliness, depression, anxiety and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).
AGE REJUVANATION (Workshop for old age)
Vitality and Health into Old Age. Regular practice of Yoga will keep the human body vital and healthy into old age. Will learn,
- How to adapt a yoga practice to aging bodies.
- Understanding Age-Related Physical Changes.
- Meditation for inner peace
(Workshop for Teens & Early Teens)
Adolescence is the golden stage which if nurtured well will develop into a healthy developed individual. Yoga plays a major role to overcome adolescence, a crucial phase in life.
How the workshop helps?
Super brain and suryanamaskar channelizes youthful energy and enhances the endocrine function to stimulate proper structural, physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual growth. Extremes of behavior is regulated through inverted postures. Fear of failure can be overcome through the practice of yoga nidra (a deep relaxation technique which relaxes all the 3 bodies physical, mental and emotional).